«Fare una descrizione precisa di ciò che non ha mai avuto luogo è il compito dello storico». La sentenza di Oscar Wilde guida questa ricostruzione del rimosso del cinema del Novecento, la storia dei grandi film non fatti, dal Don Chisciotte di Welles al Viaggio di G. Mastorna di Fellini, dal Cristo di Dreyer al Napoleone di Kubrick, dal Que viva Mexico! e Il prato di Bežin di Ejzenštejn al The Day the Clown Cried di Lewis. E ancora, Godard, Pasolini, Munk, Vertov, Lanzmann: la storia di grandi progetti incompiuti, di riprese che si sono protratte per decenni e poi sono state dimenticate in qualche magazzino, immagini rimaste sulla carta oppure riutilizzate, ma al di fuori della loro destinazione originaria. Attraverso questo racconto, emerge il profilo di quello che il Novecento non ha saputo vedere e raccontare, il retro della Storia, nonché il profilo di una storia delle immagini del cinema che disloca la centralità della sala cinematografica per far emergere i meccanismi di negoziazione e i doveri d’autore che preludono alla visibilità o alla scomparsa di tali immagini perdute.
Uno dei principi fondamentali dei modelli di selezione del portafoglio è la minimizzazione del rischio attraverso la diversificazione degli investimenti. Tuttavia, i benefici della diversificazione si riducono in presenza di un'elevata correlazione tra gli asset. È noto che la diversificazione attraverso l'uso di portafogli più ampi non è il modo migliore per ottenere un miglioramento della performance fuori campione. Inoltre, l'inclusione di un numero elevato di posizioni nel portafoglio aumenta i costi di gestione e di transazione. Mentre i modelli classici di selezione del portafoglio si concentrano sulla minimizzazione del rischio e sulla massimizzazione del rendimento, lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di includere un terzo obiettivo: la norma-1. Ciò consente di selezionare portafogli sparsi, cioè con un numero limitato di attività, che sono più facili da gestire e consentono di ottenere buoni risultati in termini di rischio-rendimento. La nostra analisi empirica si basa su un dataset di riferimento disponibile pubblicamente e spesso utilizzato in letteratura. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-332-6
With the release of ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have become a prominent topic of international public and scientific debate. The genie is out of the bottle, but does it have a mind? Can philosophical considerations help us to work out how we can live with such smart machines? In this book, distinguished philosophers explore questions such as whether these new machines are able to act, whether they are social agents, whether they have communicative skills, and if they might even become conscious. The book includes contributions from Syed AbuMusab, Constant Bonard, Stephen Butterfill, Daniel Dennett, Paula Droege, Keith Frankish, Frederic Gilbert, Ying-Tung Lin, Sven Nyholm, Joshua Rust, Eric Schwitzgebel, Henry Shevlin, Anna Strasser, Alessio Tacca, Michael Wilby, and a graphic novel by Anna and Moritz Strasser as a bonus
This volume provides an introduction to the theory of Mean Field Games, suggested by J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions in 2006 as a mean-field model for Nash equilibria in the strategic interaction of a large number of agents. Besides giving an accessible presentation of the main features of mean-field game theory, the volume offers an overview of recent developments which explore several important directions: from partial differential equations to stochastic analysis, from the calculus of variations to modeling and aspects related to numerical methods. Arising from the CIME Summer School "Mean Field Games" held in Cetraro in 2019, this book collects together lecture notes prepared by Y. Achdou (with M. Laurière), P. Cardaliaguet, F. Delarue, A. Porretta and F. Santambrogio. These notes will be valuable for researchers and advanced graduate students who wish to approach this theory and explore its connections with several different fields in mathematics.
The interwar period was marked in Europe by the rediscovery of corporatism as a possible solution to the crucial problems of modern mass society. This was the result of general changes across industrialised countries in the relationship between the state and social groups. In Italy, it took on a uniquely authoritarian shape. Fascist regime became the cradle of a new model of corporatism, a “third way” alternative to both capitalism and communism, destined to influence both political, juridical, and economic debate and similar legislative experiments undertaken by other countries, be they democratic or authoritarian. The book offers an overview of corporatism in Fascist Italy. It examines not only the ideology but also the acts and real activities of corporative institutions (corporazioni). It dwells upon internal debates, the political and institutional importance acquired by corporative institutions in the Fascist regime, and the behaviour of entrepreneurial organizations and labour unions. At the same time, the book highlights the role of Italy in the transnational circulation of the corporative ideal by reconstructing both the considerable influence of Mussolini’s regime in a range of different political and geographical contexts and the way in which the authorities in Rome turned to coeval international experiences.
L'e-commerce è la fonte principale di reddito per molti imprenditori, la vendita online permette di sfruttare al massimo l'opportunità che l'internet stesso offre, potendo raggiungere potenziali clienti ovunque. Oggi, i potenziali clienti hanno a disposizione poco tempo, complice anche il fatto che la società si è evoluta velocemente negli ultimi vent'anni, soprattutto dal punto di vista tecno-logico e sociale. Se dapprima ogni potenziale cliente doveva trovare del tempo libero per poter effettuare gli acquisti, oggi, in cinque minuti, in ufficio o nel metrò, il potenziale acquirente può effettua-re i propri acquisti grazie all'attività commerciale online. Sono passati circa 50 anni dalla nascita di Internet così come sono passati circa 46 anni dalla nascita dei moderni Computer e circa 28 anni dalla nascita degli Smartphone , per la quale trovarono terreno fertile per il loro sviluppo solo all'inizio del nuovo millennio. Il nuovo millennio non solo portò novità scientifiche e tecnologiche, ma portò anche alla nascita di un nuovo modo di vendere e di fare acquisti nel mercato digitale. Tra i pionieri del mercato digitale, oltre a eBay, vi si trova anche il principale concorrente di quest'ultima società, la Amazon, per la quale, già alla fine del secolo scorso, intravide nel web un'opportunità più che unica per poter espandersi a livello globale. Lo studio affrontato in questa Tesi di Laurea triennale, ha come scopo principale quello di poter comprendere come, nonostante l'evoluzione tecnologica e la piena globalizzazione, i vari leader europei non siano riusciti a dettare una linea univoca per poter attuare la lotta contro l'evasione fiscale effettuata dai vari colossi dell'e-commerce. Il metodo usato per affrontare questo studio è il metodo comparatistico, tra l'Ordinamento Federale Statunitense e quello ibrido Europeo.
This volume reveals new insights on the faculty of language. By proposing a new approach in the analysis and description of Italian Sign Language (LIS), that can be extended also to other sign languages, this book also enlightens some aspects of spoken languages, which were often overlooked in the past and only recently have been brought to the fore and described. First, the study of face-to-face communication leads to a revision of the traditional dichotomy between linguistic and enacted, to develop a new approach to embodied language (Kendon, 2004). Second, all structures of language take on a sociolinguistic and pragmatic meaning, as proposed by cognitive semantics, which considers it impossible to trace a separation between purely linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge. Finally, if speech from the point of view of its materiality is variable, fragile, and non-segmentable (i.e. not systematically discrete), also signs are not always segmentable into discrete, invariable and meaningless units. This then calls into question some of the properties traditionally associated with human languages in general, notably that of ‘duality of patterning’. These are only some of the main issues you will find in this volume that has no parallel both in sign and in spoken languages linguistic research.
il libro accende i riflettori su uno degli episodi meno noti e meno raccontati del secondo conflitto mondiale, ma che oltre 10.000 soldati hanno vissuto drammaticamente in quell'estate del 1943.
“DESTINI HACKER (The Hackers’ Destiny)– Attack to the System” was published in eBooks by Blonk a few days before the explosion of the PRISM scandal in the US, which is causing more than a headache to the Obama administration. The opening episode of “Destini Hacker”, which uses its plot to highlight problems on computer security both in the public and private sectors wants to lead the reader into the world of hacking. Its nucleus is a system which, exactly like the US National Security Agency’s PRISM, is capable of spying the web, telephones and processing potentially infinite bulks of data exchanged on-line. Systems similar to the one of the National Security Agency are described in the first episode of “Destini Hacker- Attack to the System”: government agencies on one side and more-or- less good-natured hackers on the other side fight each other to get hold of sensitive date, confidential information and access keys. Hackers Mayhem and Gizmo, a couple of the main characters, are actually the designers of a system which is constantly capable of tracing everything that happens on the Web during their monitoring forays.
Despite their undeniable importance, the leaders of the Fascist and Nazi youth organizations have received little attention from historians. In Shaping the New Man, Alessio Ponzio uncovers the largely untold story of the training and education of these crucial protagonists of the Fascist and Nazi regimes, and he examines more broadly the structures, ideologies, rhetoric, and aspirations of youth organizations in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Ponzio shows how the Italian Fascists’ pedagogical practices influenced the origin and evolution of the Hitler Youth. He dissects similarities and differences in the training processes of the youth leaders of the Opera Nazionale Balilla, Gioventù Italiana del Littorio, and Hitlerjugend. And, he explores the transnational institutional interactions and mutual cooperation that flourished between Mussolini’s and Hitler’s youth organizations in the 1930s and 1940s.
The Hippopotamus Defence is just what a club player needs. It’s a clear-cut and straightforward chess opening that avoids the ever growing body of mainline theory. It’s universal: Black can use the Hippo against virtually all of White choices: 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.f4, the Colle, London, Trompovsky, Réti and others. It’s not yet very well-known and will surprise many opponents. On top of all that, the Hippo is seriously underestimated: with its characteristic double Fianchetto, it may look quiet but is in fact a very dangerous animal. Alessio de Santis is one of the world’s greatest experts and has written a practical, well-structured and accessible manual. His book can be studied on three levels: after a first flash of 3 to 4 hours you will be familiar with the Hippo’s basic moves and key variations, its strategic themes and recurring manoeuvres. In the second and third phase De Santis leads you through the most important concrete lines and introduces the Semi-Hippopotamus to counter some specific White ideas. You can use the Hippo as a surprise weapon or as your main repertoire. The extensive explanations and clear conclusions make this book an easy-to-navigate manual for club players. If you like to confront your opponents with some unexpected counter-attacks, you need not look any further.
This book aims to cast light on all aspects of tunnel fires, based on experimental activities and theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses. In particular, the authors describe a transient full-scale fire test (~15 MW), explaining how they designed and performed the experimental activity inside the Morgex North tunnel in Italy. The entire organization of the experiment is described, from preliminary evaluations to the solutions found for management of operational difficulties and safety issues. This fire test allowed the collection of different measurements (temperature, air velocity, smoke composition, pollutant species) useful for validating and improving CFD codes and for testing the real behavior of the tunnel and its safety systems during a diesel oil fire with a significant heat release rate. Finally, the fire dynamics are compared with empirical correlations, CFD simulations, and literature measurements obtained in other similar tunnel fire tests. This book will be of interest to all engineers and public officials who are concerned with the nature, prevention, and management of tunnel fires.
Carne, sangue, acciaio, plastica e tutti i materiali possibili e immaginabili: non solo, il mondo è fatto anche di idee. A volte, un'idea può cambiare il mondo. Non è un'ipotesi: è un dato di fatto. Ci sono idee che, come le stelle in cielo, illuminano la Terra per epoche intere. Come le stelle, le idee ogni tanto tramontano, e non è detto che, prima di scomparire per sempre, diventino nefasti buchi neri. Le idee possono salvare, ma anche uccidere.Il Sognatore del «Mondo vero» parte dall'idea che per Sigmund Freud sia possibile, sulla base della metodologia scientifica, arrivare a una Visione del mondo razionale, coerente, libera da millenarie illusioni. Ma la psicoanalisi può e deve essere ritenuta a tutti gli effetti -- scienza? Domanda di capitale importanza, se si pensa che il banco di prova sperimentale della verità della psicoanalisi sono i suoi pazienti, donne e uomini in carne e ossa...Un viaggio alle sorgenti del pensiero freudiano, alla luce di un'unica parola, antica quanto l'uomo: "libertà".
This book illustrates a new quantitative risk analysis model for road tunnels that is capable of evaluating the role of infrastructure measures, equipment and management procedures as prescribed by EU Directive 2004/54/EC. The risk assessment draws on the typical F-N curves of societal risk, evaluated with the help of event tree analysis, vehicle queue formation dynamics, and users’ egress and tenability models. In addition, the model considers the reliability of the safety measures. The work provides essential guidance on the following aspects: how a quantitative model can be implemented to evaluate risk in road tunnels; how to build an event tree for the accident scenarios considered; how to simulate the vehicle queue formation; how to simulate the evolution of accident scenarios; and how to simulate the users’ egress. Given its scope and depth of coverage, the book will be of interest to all engineers whose work involves fire protection and safety in tunnels, all persons engaged in safety and transport engineering or risk analysis for road tunnels, as well as public and private bodies involved in the application of Directive 2004/54/EC.
This book collects together lectures by some of the leaders in the field of partial differential equations and geometric measure theory. It features a wide variety of research topics in which a crucial role is played by the interaction of fine analytic techniques and deep geometric observations, combining the intuitive and geometric aspects of mathematics with analytical ideas and variational methods. The problems addressed are challenging and complex, and often require the use of several refined techniques to overcome the major difficulties encountered. The lectures, given during the course "Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory'' in Cetraro, June 2–7, 2014, should help to encourage further research in the area. The enthusiasm of the speakers and the participants of this CIME course is reflected in the text.
In The Seigneurial Transformation, Alessio Fiore discusses the transformation of the fabric of power in the kingdom of Italy in the period between the late eleventh century and the early twelfth century. The study analyses the major socio-political change of this period, the crisis of royal and public structures, and the development of seigneurial powers, using as a starting point the structures of power over men and land, and the discourses about the exercise of local power. This period was marked by a rapid reshaping of the structures of local power; while the outbreak of civil wars in the 1080s did not imply a clear-cut rupture with the past, it led to a staggering acceleration of pre-existing dynamics, with a reconfiguration of the matrix of power, in turn expressed in a transformation both of the instruments of local political communications and of the practices of power.
Studi di varia natura di Teologia L'alleanza al Sinai analisi di es.24,1-11 Salmo 1 prologo del salterio Profezia e Poesia Il Pastore di Erma Calvino e il protestantesimo riformato Dalla crisi protestante alla riforma cattolica Breve sintesi storico-dogmatica sui sacramenti in genere La tossicodipendenza: cause, rimedi e prevenzione
Presenting a selection of topics in the area of nonlocal and nonlinear diffusions, this book places a particular emphasis on new emerging subjects such as nonlocal operators in stationary and evolutionary problems and their applications, swarming models and applications to biology and mathematical physics, and nonlocal variational problems. The authors are some of the most well-known mathematicians in this innovative field, which is presently undergoing rapid development. The intended audience includes experts in elliptic and parabolic equations who are interested in extending their expertise to the nonlinear setting, as well as Ph.D. or postdoctoral students who want to enter into the most promising research topics in the field.
This book provides an innovative and thought-provoking analysis of the policy of integrazione scolastica from an inclusive perspective. Drawing on historical and empirical research methods the book arises out of an ethnographic study, which investigates the extent to which the policy of integrazione scolastica can be considered an inclusive policy. The author poses two fundamental questions: why are there episodes of micro-exclusion and discrimination against disabled pupils still taking place in regular schools after more than 30 years have passed since the enactment of such a progressive policy? Can the policy of integration lead to the development of inclusion in Italy? The research findings presented in the book indicate that exclusion and discrimination towards disabled pupils in education do not result from a lack of implementation of the policy at a school level, rather from the perpetuation of dominant discourses, which construct disability as an individual deficit. The book does not deny the progress made in the country following the application of this anti-discriminatory policy; rather it challenges the hegemonic abilist culture and the traditional perspectives of disability and schooling that undermine the development of inclusive education. After having investigated the theoretical premises of the policy of integration, the author argues that this progressive policy is still rooted in a special needs education paradigm and that what was once a liberating policy has been transformed into a hegemonic tool which still manages, controls and normalizes disability leaving school settings and teaching and learning routines unchanged. She finally argues for a human rights approach for the development of an inclusive school for the 21st century. The book is an essential reading for academics, policy makers, researchers and students involved in education as it links ideological pressures to practical analyses.
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