Once Upon the Future is an anthology of fictional stories written for children age 7-12 inspired by the research of six sustainability scientists. Each story is sprinkled with humor and magical realism, enlivened with beautiful illustrations, and complemented by educational resources. Using simple yet vibrant language, the stories convey insights on circular food economies, rural development and cultural textile traditions, forest commoning practices, biodiversity conservation and regeneration, youth in urban governance, and the importance of values and imagination for sustainability leadership. Close your eyes. Imagine you're sitting around the fire in the forest. Firelight dances over your face, sparks float in the darkness, and the magic of storytelling begins... Join Charlie, a big nosed carrot, as he battles the gang of plastic bottles and searches for the great compost heap. [The Magic Jumble by Anastasia Papangelou] Follow Alma and Helio as they discover magical creatures and secret natural realms, while searching for the Skunk Cabbage, rare plant that can save their forest from destruction. [Alma in the Woods by Angela Moriggi] Meet Olivia who never spends time outdoors until a new classmate from a distant land shows her the joy of street play. [The City's Heartbeat by Lorena Axinte] Gather around the campfire to hear one-eyed Aunt Bloom tell stories of a secret society - the Cosmos Mariners - who battle the Hungry Ghosts destroying our planet. [The Legend of the Cosmos Mariners by Kelli Rose Pearson] Go through a magic portal into the Wood Wide Web with Brunaia - a girl who has fused with a young oak tree to restore the lost equilibrium between humans and forests. [Brunaia by Marta Nieto Romero] Attend a fashion show with young Jaime, who has put his reputation on the line to show off his grandmother's traditional linen.[Fashionista Jamie by Alessandro Vasta]
In The Struggle for Development and Democracy Alessandro Olsaretti argues that we need significantly new theories of development and democracy to answer the problem posed by neoliberalism and the populist backlash, namely, uneven development and divisive politics heightened by the 9/11 attacks. This volume proposes a general theory of development and democracy, as part of a unified theory of power, emphasizing that development needs markets, civil society, and the state, and also the proper networks and interactions amongst markets, civil society, and the state. Imperialism undermines these interactions, and turns countries into providers of cheap land or labour. This book begins to sketch the mechanisms at work, and to answer one question: how did imperialist elites build their power? All royalties from sales of this volume will go to GiveWell.org in honour of Alessandro Olsaretti's memory.
A full-color guide to Italy's archeology and treasures. Archaeology Hotspot Italy presents a comprehensive overview of the Italian archaeology. The main archaeological epochs – from Paleolithic to the Middle Ages – and sites and the discoveries made in the last twenty years, as well as past and present great archaeologists are thoroughly explored. Archaeology Hotspot Italy gives also insights into the way in which archaeology is practiced today, dealing with controversies over interpretation of the past connected to different theoretical approaches and present-day social and political contingencies. One of the aims of Archaeology Hotspot Italy is to give to the reader the idea that archaeology is by no means a static discipline, and that our knowledge of the past is continuously challenged by new discoveries and new approaches as well as by national and international heritage politics. It can be read either while staying comfortably at home or while traveling through Italy. Indeed, it was conceived as a handbook on Italian archaeology for armchair archaeologists as well as an archaeological guide for those visiting Italy. It provides key information on unconventional and not well-known archeological sites, which are outside of the mass tourism circuits, as well as insights on must-see sites and monuments in Italy, such as Pompeii or the Ancient city of Rome. The reader will find insights into the actual work of Italian archaeologists in current excavations, and on the challenges that they have to face. This perspective is quite unique. By combining information on archaeological sites with insights into archaeological practice, this book enables the reader to fully understand the archaeological profession in Italy. This beautiful full-color book features 44 photographs and 3 maps.
Aeromodelli a ventola intubata elettrica: Tutti i segreti della piu affascinante disciplina del modellismo dinamico. Tutto quel che c'e da sapere per scegliere, allestire, far volare e ottimizzare un jet edf: Tecniche di pilotaggio, consigli e trucchi per ottenere il massimo dal tuo jet. Un libro senza astrusi diagrammi e complicate formule matematiche, ma con dentro tutta l'esperienza e la pratica di un grande aeromodellista: Alessandro Ginestri, noto come Staudacher 300 nella community del Barone Rosso, il piu grande forum italiano di aeromodellismo: ""Questo libro non e stato scritto da uno scienziato per degli specialisti, ma da un praticone per dei praticanti.
Amman, Jordan. As an ambitious digitization project gathers pace in a vast building outside Amman, some unpublished writings by Giordano Bruno - flawed genius of the late Renaissance, renegade philosopher, occultist with a prodigious memory - disappear together with the Jesuit priest sent by the Vatican to study them.When the priest is found dead and a series of mysterious threats ensues, it becomes clear that the stakes are high for all the parties openly or covertly involved. What dangerous ideas were contained in the stolen manuscripts? What was the ultimate secret that Bruno tried to hide from the Holy Inquisition, even as he was persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and finally burnt alive in Rome?In this riveting, meticulously researched new novel, Alessandro Gallenzi draws on his experience as a publisher in the digital era and casts a light on the darker side of our modern technological world, while revealing how a well-kept secret can change the course of history for ever.
Speculative Fictions views the Chilean neoliberal transition as reflected in cultural production from the postdictatorship era of the 1970s to the present. To Alessandro Fornazzari, the move to market capitalism effectively blurred the lines between economics and aesthetics, perhaps nowhere more evidently than in Chile. Through exemplary works of film, literature, the visual arts, testimonials, and cultural theory, Fornazzari reveals the influence of economics over nearly every aspect of culture and society. Citing Karl Marx, Michel Foucault, Walter Benjamin, Willy Thayer, Milton Friedman, and others, Fornazzari forms the theoretical basis for his neoliberal transitional discourse as a logical progression of capitalism. Fornazzari identifies Casa de campo, Jose Donoso's allegory of the military coup of 1973 and the ensuing monetary crisis, as a harbinger of transitional texts, challenging them to explore new forms of abstraction. Those forms are explored in the novels Oir su voz by Arturo Fontaine and Mano de obra by Diamela Eltit, where Fornazzari examines divergent views of workers in the form of neoliberal human capital or post-Fordist immaterial labor. In documentaries by Patricio Guzman and Silvio Caiozzi, he juxtaposes depictions of mass mobilization and protest to the mass marketing of individual memory and loss, claiming they serve as symbols of the polarities of dictatorship and neoliberalism. Fornazzari then relates the subsuming of the individual under both fascism and neoliberalism by recalling the iconic imbunche (a mutilated figure whose orifices have been sewn closed) in works by Donoso and the visual artist Catalina Parra. He continues the theme of subsumption in his discussion of the obliteration of the divide between physical labor and intellectualism under neoliberalism, as evidenced in the detective novel A la sombra del dinero by Ram—n Diaz Eterovic. In these examples and others, Fornazzari presents a firmly grounded theoretical analysis that will appeal to Latin Americanists in general and to those interested in the intersection of economics and culture. The Chilean experience provides a case study that will also inform students and scholars of neoliberal transitions globally.
Una storia sull’intolleranza e sulla paura del diverso. È la prima volta che gli abitanti di un piccolo borgo abbarbicato su una collina del Meridione d’Italia entrano in contatto con gente diversa da loro. Una famiglia di cinesi arriva in paese e, tra lo stupore generale e l’invidia, vi si impianta velocemente con un ristorante. Il sequestro e l’uccisione di un ragazzo da parte di un mafioso locale, per impedire la nascita di un’area di sviluppo industriale, lo spirito di abnegazione dei cinesi, la loro disponibilità di quattrini e l’acquisizione di una vecchia e gloriosa villa ai margini della campagna, l’adulterio di una donna del Nord, si intrecciano insieme e scatenano la cruda intolleranza dell’intera comunità, la quale si macchierà di un crimine orrendo.
This is an intellectual biography of the Italian Jewish writer and politician David Levi (1816-1898). Freemasonry, Saint-Simonianism, and the Enlightenment are his vessels for a new, secular, interpretation of Jewish identity and for innovative views on Judaism’s relation with modernity.
This volume gathers Alessandro De Francesco's essays and theoretical writings produced from 2015 to 2022. It follows the first volume Continuum: Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice, reuniting essays written between 2007 and 2015. The title of this new volume could only be Continuum 2, given that the underlying concept remains the same: to testify to the seamless continuity of the author's commitment to poetry and art over the years, and to reaffirm at the same time, on a theoretical level, a model of creation and thinking as a continuous flow, not discretized, not quantized, but organic, liquid, without end or beginning; a kind of linguistic translation of the space-time in which every text, like every other object, is necessarily immersed. Continuum 2 is a trilingual book, containing writings in English, French, and Italian, and it is particularly focused on two lines of inquiry: the author's ongoing meditation on the poetic practice, and the first steps of his new investigation into seventeenth-century art, poetry, and forms of thought.
In The Struggle for Development and Democracy Alessandro Olsaretti proposes a humanist social science as a first step to overcome the flaws of neoliberalism, and to recover a balanced approach that is needed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.
Quando in un ipotetico sistema di potere internazionale tutte le dinamiche umane, perfino il pensiero, il linguaggio e i sentimenti, sembrano sotto controllo, allora a tale sistema non resta che controllare i sogni.
Un libro es como la amante ideal. Te seduce, te desnuda el alma, te impregna de su esencia, se deja tocar, acariciar, abrazar. Te dice cosas que despiertan tus emociones, te hace vibrar con sus relatos y te deja una huella para siempre. (Alessandro Di Masi) Libro del Año y libro más vendido en España 2011 y 2012. Este libro no trata de religión ni es un tratado de medicina. Sin embargo contiene alucinantes experiencias de consultorio que asombraron el mundo científico. Las palabras del autor parecen activar un milagroso proceso de rápida recuperación y de curación a personas con trastornos y enfermedades consideradas mortales. Ningún miembro de tu familia debería padecer cáncer si lee atentamente la información contenida en este ameno e inteligente libro de auto crecimiento. Contiene extraordinarios puntos de vista sobre enfermedades que ayudan a muchos terapeutas a solucionar los problemas más graves de salud de sus clientes. La vida es una gran fiesta. Este libro es un divertido conjunto de cortos relatos y buenas noticias, accesible a todas las edades, culturas y formaciones. Está redactado con la máxima sencillez. Las enseñanzas de Di Masi fascinan incluso a los más jóvenes, llegando a descubrir un nuevo mundo sin pastillas, un mundo en el cual tendrán todos los poderes del Mago Merlín. El autor es el fundador de la Sanergía y director del Centro de Investigación Bioenergética (Girona, España). Desde el 2007 viaja para enseñar La Conexión a través de las energías y el futuro del trabajo con energías con divertidos monólogos sobre la salud, pero repletos de verdades desconocidas y ocultadas al gran público. ¿Puedes curar con la palabra, los ojos y las energías? ¡Todos podemos! Ya cientos de miles de personas se dieron cuenta -con las demostraciones del maestro Di Masi- de tener estos poderes. En sus cursos Di Masi desvela los secretos. Miles de personas le deben la vida o conocieron un aumento consciente de su calidad de vida y éxito en los negocios. Por fin te darás cuenta de que todos somos El Creador, que todos tenemos derecho a 140 años de vida y que si morimos de una enfermedad, será debido a la ignorancia (al hecho de ignorar algo...). Cada año mueren millones de personas que se hubieran podido recuperar con Sanergía. Hemos conocido el siglo industrial y el siglo económico. Hoy estamos en el siglo de la información y quién tiene la información vive en la tranquilidad, el bienestar, el éxito y la salud. - ¿Tiene el ser humano el don de curar y de autocurarse si es proveído de la justa información? - ¿Es la dinerosis un trastorno? ¿Es causado por lo que pensamos del dinero? - ¿La leucemia es una "vibración" que sirve para reparar un hueso roto o para cicatrizar una herida? ¿El cáncer es un camino consciente hacia la curación? ¿El 90% de la gente tratada con quimioterapia NO tiene cáncer o leucemia? ¿El 95% de la gente tratada con quimioterapia o radioterapia no sobrevive el tratamiento? ¿Por qué se lo prescriben? ¿Los medicamentos no curan, solo palian síntomas engañando el cerebro? - Si aconsejar este libro a un ser querido contribuye a salvarle la vida, ¿tu propia vida habrá tenido sentido? ¿Es verdad que lo que das, recibes? ¿Crees que es una casualidad que estás leyendo este texto'... - Este libro cambió la vida de cientos de miles de personas y cambiará -definitivamente- tu manera de ver las cosas. Ningún lector quedó indiferente. "El Creador" fue escrito con el profundo deseo de mejorar la vida de cada individuo en este planeta. - TE CREASTE con todo lo que te obligaron a creer. Tu pasado se resume en lo que eres hoy, el fruto de tus creencias. ¿Quieres conocer tu futuro? Tu futuro es lo que crees ahora mismo. Lo que crees, creas.
The book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the cutting edge arthroscopic transosseous techniques for the treatment of rotator cuff tears, which are gradually taking over from the common open surgical approach, defined as the gold standard for RCR. With the help of numerous figures, it presents step by step a novel all-arthroscopic anchorless transosseous suture technique that is less invasive and easier to perform. After discussing the etiopathogenesis, histopathology and radiological classification of rotator cuff tears, the book reviews all possible arthroscopic procedures and explores in detail suture management, describing single and double tunnel options. It also examines the complications and post-operative rehabilitation and imaging, while the closing chapter addresses the economic aspects of daily use. Intended primarily for arthroscopic surgeons interested in the field of shoulder joint repair, this exhaustive guide is also a valuable resource for residents and shoulder specialists.
La costruzione della monarchia pontificia durante l’età barocca, partendo dal Papato umanistico-rinascimentale di metà XV secolo e passando per la svolta cruciale segnata dalla Riforma e dalla Controriforma, fu un processo incessante che incominciò con l’elezione di Martino V Colonna (1417-1431) e si protrasse durante il pontificato di Papa Urbano VIII (1623-1644) sino al consolidamento dello Stato Pontificio in una vera e propria monarchia assoluta e, insieme, allo sbocciare dell’attuale splendore di Roma come residenza dei Papi. In tale percorso si possono evidenziare due tendenze principali. 1. Gli ambiti sacro e profano si mescolarono perfettamente in virtù del duplice ruolo del Papa, capo di uno Stato italico e supremo pastore della Chiesa universale (“un corpo e due anime”) benché, spesso, fossero incompatibili l’uno con l’altro. 2. La trasformazione del Papato in una monarchia assoluta, unita a una forte centralizzazione amministrativa dello Stato ecclesiastico, determinò altresì lo sviluppo della Curia Romana.
Lo U-Boot era forse l'unico sistema d'arma in grado di influire decisivamente nell'andamento di una guerra, prima dell'avvento dell'arsenale atomico. Il problema essenziale era stato discusso dall'Ober Kommando della Kriegsmarine. Necessitava un U-Boot totalmente innovativo che fosse decine di anni avanti a quanto si fosse conosciuto fino ad allora. Tutte le piu recenti tecnologie vennero concentrate in questo progetto, Il Typ XXI . Un sottomarino che sarebbe stato la pietra di paragone per molti anni a venire, come in effetti avvenne.
Tradução ao português do ensaio de Alessandro Manzoni sobre o gênero do romance histórico, no qual discute, mesmo sem nomear, sua experiência com "Os noivos" e traça um amplo panorama das narrativas que "misturam ficção e verdade" de Homero até o séc. XIX, com a conclusão pessimista de que elas seriam impossíveis pela nova compreensão histórica e pela nova prática historiográfica de sua época. Trata-se de uma obra relevante por documentar o pensamento crítico a respeito desse gênero naquele que ainda é considerado seu período áureo, e de ulterior fomento para as discussões acadêmicas a respeito.
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