Un libro es como la amante ideal. Te seduce, te desnuda el alma, te impregna de su esencia, se deja tocar, acariciar, abrazar. Te dice cosas que despiertan tus emociones, te hace vibrar con sus relatos y te deja una huella para siempre. (Alessandro Di Masi) Libro del Año y libro más vendido en España 2011 y 2012. Este libro no trata de religión ni es un tratado de medicina. Sin embargo contiene alucinantes experiencias de consultorio que asombraron el mundo científico. Las palabras del autor parecen activar un milagroso proceso de rápida recuperación y de curación a personas con trastornos y enfermedades consideradas mortales. Ningún miembro de tu familia debería padecer cáncer si lee atentamente la información contenida en este ameno e inteligente libro de auto crecimiento. Contiene extraordinarios puntos de vista sobre enfermedades que ayudan a muchos terapeutas a solucionar los problemas más graves de salud de sus clientes. La vida es una gran fiesta. Este libro es un divertido conjunto de cortos relatos y buenas noticias, accesible a todas las edades, culturas y formaciones. Está redactado con la máxima sencillez. Las enseñanzas de Di Masi fascinan incluso a los más jóvenes, llegando a descubrir un nuevo mundo sin pastillas, un mundo en el cual tendrán todos los poderes del Mago Merlín. El autor es el fundador de la Sanergía y director del Centro de Investigación Bioenergética (Girona, España). Desde el 2007 viaja para enseñar La Conexión a través de las energías y el futuro del trabajo con energías con divertidos monólogos sobre la salud, pero repletos de verdades desconocidas y ocultadas al gran público. ¿Puedes curar con la palabra, los ojos y las energías? ¡Todos podemos! Ya cientos de miles de personas se dieron cuenta -con las demostraciones del maestro Di Masi- de tener estos poderes. En sus cursos Di Masi desvela los secretos. Miles de personas le deben la vida o conocieron un aumento consciente de su calidad de vida y éxito en los negocios. Por fin te darás cuenta de que todos somos El Creador, que todos tenemos derecho a 140 años de vida y que si morimos de una enfermedad, será debido a la ignorancia (al hecho de ignorar algo...). Cada año mueren millones de personas que se hubieran podido recuperar con Sanergía. Hemos conocido el siglo industrial y el siglo económico. Hoy estamos en el siglo de la información y quién tiene la información vive en la tranquilidad, el bienestar, el éxito y la salud. - ¿Tiene el ser humano el don de curar y de autocurarse si es proveído de la justa información? - ¿Es la dinerosis un trastorno? ¿Es causado por lo que pensamos del dinero? - ¿La leucemia es una "vibración" que sirve para reparar un hueso roto o para cicatrizar una herida? ¿El cáncer es un camino consciente hacia la curación? ¿El 90% de la gente tratada con quimioterapia NO tiene cáncer o leucemia? ¿El 95% de la gente tratada con quimioterapia o radioterapia no sobrevive el tratamiento? ¿Por qué se lo prescriben? ¿Los medicamentos no curan, solo palian síntomas engañando el cerebro? - Si aconsejar este libro a un ser querido contribuye a salvarle la vida, ¿tu propia vida habrá tenido sentido? ¿Es verdad que lo que das, recibes? ¿Crees que es una casualidad que estás leyendo este texto'... - Este libro cambió la vida de cientos de miles de personas y cambiará -definitivamente- tu manera de ver las cosas. Ningún lector quedó indiferente. "El Creador" fue escrito con el profundo deseo de mejorar la vida de cada individuo en este planeta. - TE CREASTE con todo lo que te obligaron a creer. Tu pasado se resume en lo que eres hoy, el fruto de tus creencias. ¿Quieres conocer tu futuro? Tu futuro es lo que crees ahora mismo. Lo que crees, creas.
This book details a 15-year theoretical and practical research study that destroys the clichés of creative processes and inaugurates a reflective sociology on serendipity. In today’s highly innovative organizations, creative processes are proceduralized in the form of techniques and give rise to routine phenomena. This text hybridizes paradigms such as Donati’s relational sociology, the Luhmanian systemic approach, Von Foerster’s radical constructivism, Sennett’s ideas on the craftsman, the ideas of Wittgenstein and Searle on language, and the ideas of Dummett and Goedel on logic, as well as Hofstadter’s on artificial intelligence. Drawing on over 600 works, including essays and articles, the currents of thought of scholars who have dealt with the topic are identified here. The 200 techniques surveyed present common elements, such as common meta-rules of opposition, combination, and separation that determine creative behavior and are triggered by a recursive but paradoxical relationship between thought and language.
The 1978 Italian Psychiatric Reform was welcomed as a significant advancement in the care of the mentally ill, as it involved, for the first time ever, the complete shutdown of psychiatric hospitals in a major Western country. Today, Italian psychiatry is totally different from that of the rest of the world, due to its complete commitment to community care. The transition towards the community model was appraised by many relevant international organisations, such as the World Health Organisation, as a fundamental step towards a better quality of life, well-being and social functioning of persons with mental diseases. This passage wasn’t easy, however, and the closure of Italian psychiatric hospitals was accompanied by notable setbacks in the treatment of the most severely affected persons, who often faced the inadequacy of a ‘crisis management’ system of care rejecting interventions in the long-term. In past decades, pro-reform authors also tended to refuse criticism of such obstacles, due to their extreme commitment towards the principles that inspired their practice. This book provides a much-needed appraisal of the 1970s Italian Psychiatric Reform. With an independent viewpoint, it highlights the often-overlooked shortcomings of the reform, while also presenting a multi-faceted view in contrast with the ‘single-vision’ attitude often adopted in existing studies on this topic.
The book will be focused on the three most important aspects of food packaging: Modeling, Materials and Packaging Strategies. The modeling section will provide a complete overview of mass transport phenomena in polymers intended for food packaging applications. The materials section will cover the most interesting problem-solving solutions in the field of food packaging, i.e., low environmental impact active films with antimicrobial activity. Lastly, the packaging section will provide an overview of the most recent approaches used to prolong the shelf life of several food products.
The theme of conspiracy is central to Machiavelli's writing. His work offers observations and analysis of conspiracy as part of the armoury of the Renaissance politician. Surprisingly, the theme has not yet received the attention it merits. This volume corrects an interpretation which reduces Machiavelli's position to one of censorious observer of conspiracies. Quite to the contrary, as Campi demonstrates, Machiavelli developed an anatomy of conspiracy and provided a practical manual for coup d'état" and violent seizure of power.
A pioneering work in oral history, this book tells the story of the rise and fall of the industrial revolution and the apogee and crisis of the labor movement through an oral history of Terni, a steel town in Central Italy and the seat of the first large industrial enterprise in Italy. This story is told through a combination of stories, songs, myths and memories from over 200 voices of five generations, woven with a wealth of archival material.
This is an intellectual biography of the Italian Jewish writer and politician David Levi (1816-1898). Freemasonry, Saint-Simonianism, and the Enlightenment are his vessels for a new, secular, interpretation of Jewish identity and for innovative views on Judaism’s relation with modernity.
Ariosto in the Machine Age reveals how the most influential poet of the Renaissance was conjured or appropriated to shape Magical Realism, avant-garde painting, Fascist cultural propaganda, and cinema in modern Italy between the birth of Futurism and the end of the Second World War. Based on substantial archival findings, bold iconographic hypotheses, and novel interpretations of literary texts, the book proposes a new account of Italy’s twentieth-century culture through a unique take on Ludovico Ariosto’s early modern poetics and legacy. Starting from the unexpected passéism of Futurists visiting Ferrara on the eve of the First World War, it rereads the development of Giorgio de Chirico’s Metaphysical art and Massimo Bontempelli’s Realismo Magico. The book reconstructs the multimedia archive of the Fascist initiatives for the 1933 centennial anniversary of Ariosto’s death, and then focuses on the passage between Fascist cinema and the birth of neorealism, unearthing unfinished adaptations of the Orlando Furioso by Luchino Visconti and Alessandro Blasetti. Questioning the very concept of reception, this radically interdisciplinary book warns twenty-first-century readers about the risks of monumentalizing the "great authors" of the past.
Over the past two years, the IMF staff has been developing a new multicountry macroeconomic model called the Global Economy Model (GEM). This paper explains why such a model is needed, how GEM differs from its predecessor model, and how the new features of the model can improve the IMF’s policy analysis. The paper is aimed at a general audience and avoids technical detail. It outlines the motivation, structure, strengths, and limitations of the model; examines three simulation exercises that have been completed; and discusses the future path of GEM.
The rapid increase in international trade and financial integration over the past decade and the growing importance of emerging markets in world trade and GDP have inspired the IMF to place stronger emphasis on multilateral surveillance, macro-financial linkages, and the implications of globalization. The IMF's Consultative Group on Exchange Rate Issues (CGER)--formed in the mid-1990s to provide exchange rate assessments for a number of advanced economies from a multilateral perspective--has therefore broadened its mandate to cover both key advanced economies and major emerging market economies. This Occasional Paper summarizes the methodologies that underpin the expanded analysis.
Taking a symptom-oriented approach, this book focuses on the radiographic changes of malformation syndromes and skeletal dysplasias. Its clear structure makes it an essential, practical guide for radiologists, geneticists, and pediatricians.
In Cultural Revolution and Revolutionary Culture, Alessandro Russo presents a dramatic new reading of China's Cultural Revolution as a mass political experiment aimed at thoroughly reexamining the tenets of communism. Russo explores four critical phases of the Cultural Revolution, each with its own reworking of communist political subjectivity: the historical-theatrical “prologue” of 1965; Mao's attempts to shape the Cultural Revolution in 1965 and 1966; the movements and organizing between 1966 and 1968 and the factional divides that ended them; and the mass study campaigns from 1973 to 1976 and the unfinished attempt to evaluate the inadequacies of the political decade that brought the Revolution to a close. Among other topics, Russo shows how the dispute around the play Hai Rui Dismissed from Office was not the result of a Maoist conspiracy, but rather a series of intense and unresolved political and intellectual controversies. He also examines the Shanghai January Storm and the problematic foundation of the short-lived Shanghai Commune. By exploring these and other political-cultural moments of Chinese confrontations with communist principles, Russo overturns conventional wisdom about the Cultural Revolution.
Return to training (RTT) and return to play (RTP) decisions making process in football are currently based on expert's opinion. However, there are no consensus guidelines on evidence-based decision-making. This book provides a framework for evidence-based decision-making both in RTT and RTP following lower-limb muscle injuries sustained in football. Based on the “Italian Consensus Conference (2019) on return-to-play after lower limb muscle injury in football”, it provides a list of RTT and RTP criteria after such injuries compiled by orthopedic surgeons, sports physicians, radiologists, rehabilitation physicians, sport physiologists, general surgeons, family physicians, physiotherapists, physical trainers and psychologists working in elite football in Italy. The book identifies the main criteria for RTT and RTP following injuries involving the most important muscle groups, i.e. quadriceps, hamstring, hip adductor, hip external rotator, iliopsoas and soleus-gastrocnemius. As such it is a valuable reference resource for practitioners making RTT and RTP decisions making process.
Il presente libro indaga gli effetti della dominazione francese nell'economicamente arretrata zona parmense all'alba del XIX secolo, tracciando un quadro degli aspetti trainanti e frenanti l'economia locale attribuibili alla dominazione napoleonica.
Mit eLa rete di Arachneae ist den Herausgebern eine hochst erfreuliche Publikation gelungen, die sich in Konzept und Inhalt wohltuend von manch anderem Produkt zu Internet und Altertumswissenschaft unterscheidet." Gymnasium "Die Auswahl der Beitrage ist sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer geographischen Streuung als auch hinsichtlich ihrer fachlichen Bandbreite als sehr gelungen zu betrachten. Wer sich uber den aktuellen Stand verschiedener internationaler IKT-Projekte im Bereich der Altertumswissenschaften und des altsprachlichen Unterrichts und die Einsatzmoglichkeiten moderner Medien in unserer Disziplin informieren oder Anregungen fur eigene Projekte finden mochte, wird diesen Band sicher mit groaem Gewinn lesen." Plekos Inhalt: M. Alperowitz: Midas and the Golden Touch C. Bertagna: Utilite et usages des nouvelles technologies pour les langues anciennes S. Jenks: Geschichte und Netz L. Landi: Multimedialita e interattivita nella didattica del Latino R. Latousek: The Globalization of Classical Computing P. Mastandrea / L. Mondin / L. Tessarolo / F. Boschetti: Attivita del Laboratorio di Informatica Umanistica della Facolta di Lettere, Universita Ca'Foscari di Venezia A. Meurant / J. Poucet / J. Schumacher: Outils electroniques et etudes classiques a Louvain-la Neuve J. Morgan: Computanda Britannica C. Neri: Esperienze di addestramento all'uso delle nuove tecnologie all'Universita di Bologna D. Pellacani: L'uso del computer nella didattica del latino M. Pilar Rivero: Internet y la ensenanza de las ciencias de la Antiguedad en las universidades espanolas K. Ruffing: Elektronische Ressourcen in der Papyrologie L. Salvioni: Software e Liberta C. Salvaterra: Bytes loquuntur, Esperienze di addestramento all'uso delle nuove tecnologie all'Universita di Bologna U. Schmitzer: Und man braucht sie doch: Internet und EDV in Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Antike D. Stenta: Storia antica e videogliochi . (Franz Steiner 2000)
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